Get Present

I read a wonderful little book the other day, a gift from a friend. In about 90 minutes I was reminded of what is most helpful for me to gain power from the moment, learn from what has past and create a sense of peace for my future, that has compelled me to share this with you.

The Present: The Gift that Makes You Happy and Successful at Work and in Life, by Spencer Johnson is a little gem with simple wisdom that can make a big difference!

In our lives today we have a tendency to be so full of what to do, when to do it, how to do it and with whom to do it and what is next to do that we often spend little or no real time in and enjoying the present. If you want to remember what it was like to truly enjoy the present, think back to a time when you were a kid outside playing or perhaps working on a project.

I remember hot summer evenings playing “hide n seek” in our neighborhood with about 8-10 kids of all ages. If you were “IT” it was pretty tough, you had to decide to get away from home base long enough to find people to tag them, but you also risked others getting in free, and you being “IT” again. The adrenalin of winning and maybe losing was pumping for everybody. There was a sense of camaraderie, the creativity of finding a great place to hide, your heart beating palpably while running in to home base trying not to get caught, the laughter and joy. I remember it well and always with a smile!

“Being In The Present Means Tuning Out Distractions, And Paying Attention To What Is Important, Now. You Create Your Own Present By What You Give Your Attention To.” — Spencer Johnson

When we truly focus on what we are doing now, we can accomplish so much more and usually with greater skill and efficiency. We can enjoy the process of our task as well as the accomplishment. If you also choose to focus on what is right with the project or challenge, it fosters a positive attitude and a sense of aptitude so any problems seem smaller and more easily surmounted. The present is where creativity, laughter and connectivity, and peace reside.

The present is also sometimes a painful place. “Pain is the difference between what is and what you want it to be.” Even pain changes, and as it does, we can begin to create a new present, to build on and learn from what we have experienced.

If we choose to live and learn in the present we can begin to fashion our vision of a wonderful future and take steps to create it. We can build our worlds with focus and joy. Each one of us, then, will touch the world in a more encompassing manner. Enjoy the gifts the present holds: with your work, your family your friends and yourself. Enjoy each and every day, hour and moment!

“Get Present”
