10 Reasons Why the New DreamWork Method is so Unique and Powerful

10 Reasons Why the New DreamWork Method is so Unique and Powerful

1.    Dream Work is Unique: There is not another body of dream interpretation knowledge on the planet that is remotely comparable to Dream Work. How do we know this? We know this because Dream Work did not come from a book or the mouth of some dream interpretation “expert” who has his or her own theory of dream interpretation. Dream Work came from decades of accessing Inner Wisdom through the sleeping dream state and asking questions of Inner Wisdom via thousands Dream Assignments. Until now, there has not been a word of Dream Work published for public consumption. When it comes to dream interpretation, DreamWork is like discovering that the earth is round when all your life you were being told it was flat.

2.    Dream Work includes Dream Assignments: No other dream interpretation body of knowledge includes Dream Assignments. With a Dream Assignment, a dreamer can ask a specific question and receive an answer to the question in a dream. Imagine being able to ask Inner Wisdom why you have a particular health issue. In most cases, disease in the body is a message for the dreamer. In most cases, if you get the message, there is no need for you to have the disease any longer. Bad relationships are a message too. If you get the message and take action on it, in most cases you do not have to pull bad relationships into your life any longer. In coaching, imagine using Dream Assignments to clarify the problems in a client’s life AND know exactly what actions to recommend the client take to resolve his or her issues. A series of Dream Assignments can be a rocket ship on the spiritual path.

3.    Dream Work is A Teachable Process – No Mumbo Jumbo: Dream Work is a process and a skillset that can be taught and evaluated and refined. It can be used one on one, in groups, over the phone, via the Internet and, with practice, even by individuals doing their own Dream Work.

4.    Dream Work and CTypes are Powerful Tools in Creating Sustainable Businesses and Conscious Leaders: Areas like company vision, a higher purpose for work and bringing joy to the workplace are supported through Dream Work. CTypes work magic in critical areas like Leadership, Management, Sales & Customer Service, HR, Conflict Resolution, Team Building, and breaking down barriers between departments. Mixed with Systems Thinking, Dream Work and CTypes can open a company to change, including cultural change.

5.    Dream Work Works!: With more than 20 years of practical application in the real world of life, Dream Work has proved effective at work, at home and with professionals working with all types of clients and situations. Direct experience applications include coaching, understanding health issues, leadership/management in the workplace, family relationships, couples relationships, parenting, counseling, therapy, life change, and professional, personal and spiritual growth.

6.    We Model What We Teach: After 30 years on the spiritual path, we are vigilant, to the best of our ability, to model what we teach. That means that in taking Dream Work into the world, it must be in a connected, non-fear-based way. We know that what we put out comes back to us. We know that if we focus on living our principles and practices and in supporting your success and growth, that good energy will come back to us in a meaningful way. Everything is energy, yes? Everything is a choice, either love or fear. We, to the best of our ability, commit to choose love over fear.

7.    Patent Pending Dream Interpretation Process: Our online dream interpretation process is patent pending. This is not keep the process to ourselves. Anyone can go to the New Dream Interpretation website and use the process for free as many times as you like. What we don’t want is someone ripping off the process as their own and somehow misusing it. The Dream Work Dream Interpretation process is relatively simple—but it is not easy. To become a master of the process requires much practice under the watchful eye of Dream Work teacher.

8.    Dream Work is Science-Based: At the core of Dream Work is 40 years of scientific research, thousand of Dream Assignments and thousands of pages of data.

9.    Everything in the Dream Work process works inside out: While some dream interpretation “experts” attempt to tell the dreamer what her dreams mean, Dream Work guides the dreamer through a process that produces Self understanding and Self meaning.

10.    No Dream Dictionaries: Dream Work never uses a dream “dictionary,” which presupposes that we might know what a symbol in a dreams means for the dreamer. Seriously, if someone uses a dream dictionary to help you understand your dreams, run, don’t walk away from that dream expert.