Persuasion Theory – The Belief Hierarchy Theory by Maral Cavner

Maral Cavner's Blog

Persuasion Theory – The Belief Hierarchy Theory by Maral Cavner

While all of the theories included within persuasion theory are interesting to me, especially in their novelty, the belief hierarchy theory was the one that resonated with me the most and also the one that seemed like the most realistic theory in terms of achieving its stated outcome. For example, I have a hard time believing that the silver bullet theory, which from my understanding is the theory that you can send such a well constructed message that will convince (kill) as much (or as many) as you need it to, is actually a realistic possibility for a single constructed message. I say this primarily because of the wide variety of opinions and the accompanying variability of conditions that each individual person could possibly require in order to be convinced of anything subjective. In contrast, the belief hierarchy theory, which…

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The Story Of The Bamboo

Servant Of All

Message in a Bottle


In the east there was a master gardener who loved to walk through his garden every evening looking at the many plants he had taken care of.  Of all the plants in the garden, none was greater, or nobler as the mighty Bamboo.  Indeed, Bamboo was the very best in the entire garden and the Master of the garden was very pleased with Bamboo.

One evening, as the Master strolled through his garden, he stopped and spoke to the mighty Bamboo.

“Bamboo,” he said.  “I will use you.”

Bamboo stood tall and without hesitation replied, “Master, I am yours.  I have waited my whole life for this.  Use me.”  Bamboo had waited many seasons for such a day to come.  It was the Master that planted him and nurtured him.  It was Master that was so careful in aiding to his strength and growth.

The Master did not smile.  He…

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