Change Your Thinking!

“One of the reasons people don’t achieve their dreams is that they desire to change their results without changing their thinking.”

John C. Maxwell , Thinking For A Change

As a personal and executive coach I partner with people to create change in their lives, whether it is changing the career path they have chosen, the level of management they are seeking, the kind of clients they want to be selling to, or the balance they want to experience between their personal and business lives.

When an individual begins the coaching partnership it is often because they are frustrated with their current progress, it is not moving along fast enough, they are experiencing many roadblocks and they can’t seem to keep focus or stay on track towards their goal. Our first step is usually to discover where they are on, what I identify as, “the clarity scale”.

Do they truly know what the goal is and why they want to attain it? Have they defined the goal in a manner that they can feel connected to its purpose? What are their thoughts in connection with the goal?

Many times the first questions are answered with great detail and they have even created a strategy to reach the goal they wish to attain, broken it down into manageable steps and have begun the process to reach the goal. Most often the missing piece that causes the roadblock to success is not their ability or knowledge or even their organization, but the thoughts they harbor around the goal.

The first business I started was an insurance agency. I worked hard to build the agency for 5 years putting in hours and effort beyond what most people would ever put forth. After blood, sweat, and tears, the years of hard work finally started to pay off. I made many mistakes and many good decisions along the way, but I learned and progressed to the point of being “successful” financially and figuratively. I stayed in that plateau for 10 years thinking that was all I deserved, until some drastic changes in my thinking allowed me to go beyond the plateau and brought 10 times the success with less effort.

I shifted from earning a living to attracting abundance, and the shift was made in small little changes in action, skills, and most of all my “thinking”. The abundance was always there, it was I that needed to change.

Coaches Challenge: Examine your thinking around your goals and who you are with this goal. Ask yourself some questions to trigger understanding of your current thought processes and what changes you may have to make.

• If your goal is to balance your home and work days: Do you believe it is possible? Do you think you deserve to have a balanced life? How does a balanced person think, react, look?
• If your goal is to change your client base to a more affluent group of people: How do you have to think differently to make this change? What thoughts do you have that will inhibit/forward this goal?

Begin to change the way you think to enhance your goals.

Coach Kevin


Do you ever think about getting organized so you have more time for the things in your life that are important?

Often people ask me if coaching can help them organize their life in a manner that will take care of that issue for them. My first question is always, “What are you really asking? If you are asking if I can help you have 25 hours in a 24-hour day, the answer is a resounding, NO! If you are asking for support and coaching to help you set your true priorities and learn to live them, yes, coaching can help.”

It is not always that we are unorganized or inefficient in the use of our time. Many times the true issue is that we have allowed the outside world to dictate our personal priorities. If that is happening to you, you probably have some of the following symptoms: A feeling that you are gerbil running in a wheel. A fear that if you stop running you will be run over and that to step off the wheel is not possible. You never have enough time or energy for your family or the things that are enjoyable and fun. No matter how hard you work it will never all be done.

These symptoms can be a reflection of inefficient use of your time or lack of organization or it can also be your having given away your power to decide for yourself what will be most important in your life.
Whatever the cause, or combination, the starting point is getting control and clear on your priorities. So much of our lives may seem dictated and out of our control. You can take back control. The first step is to take a close look at what is absolutely necessary and non-negotiable. Survival items like food, shelter and clothing generally come first. After we have met those criteria we are truly at choice. This is where priority setting comes in. We each have the opportunity to decide for ourselves what is truly important. What is it for you? Is it success at work? A job you are passionate about? Time allocated for entertainment. A healthy lifestyle. Time enjoyed with the family and friends. For many people it is a fine balance of all of those items.

Organization and time management can insure we get the best use of our time and that little or none is wasted. If a person is well organized they generally have what looks like a lot more time because they accomplish so much in a day. Organization and time management are necessities for those of us who insist on a full life with many facets. Often times just getting organized can give us back precious hours we can then choose to spend on other priorities.

Once we are organized, and have taken back the lost hours, we are still faced with the reality of 24 hours in a day, no more. Then what? This is where priorities become important. We get to decide what is most important and use our time accordingly. This can often be a struggle, because we want to, feel like we should or feel like we have to “do it all”, that we can’t say “No”. The strange realization for many of us is that regardless of what we do or don’t, the world will probably go on and the “in” box will always be full. One less business proposal out may mean a potential loss of financial gain, but the lifelong connection created with your son or daughter because you were there when they hit that first home run is immeasurable.

I know I struggle with this. It’s caused many times for me by not realizing that true meaning in life comes from the simple moments with loved ones not from the proverbial “success” I am searching for at work, or the feeling of accomplishment sought after when trying to make a difference in the world. Usually what I am searching for is already within myself when I stop and appreciate what I am already blessed with.

Coaching Challenge: Review your priorities. Decide what the top 5 are in your life. Then take your 168 hours of your week and determine how many hours you will spend towards each priority. Don’t forget sleep! and personal grooming and eating. Usually you are left with about 100 hours after accounting for those. Then see how your week goes allocating the remaining 100 hours to these top 5 priorities. If the balance is too far to one side or the other, look at possibilities to tip the balance back. Make changes and try again until it feels right.

Just learn when to say no to things that do not fit your priorities.

Good Luck!
